Sunday, January 29, 2012

Songs of the day:)

There are several songs that staying my in my head quite long time :)



Its been quite while that i haven't updated my blog.:(  There are lots of projects going on in my school so its quite hard to update it everyday ...Well other than that yeaaa Hello 2012! :)

Its almost February hhe,, sure time flies huh? :D  I got  back to Florida and its soo nice and warm like 25-30 degrees everyday and went to beach few times but at the same time its quite weird that its January and still feel like summer. But love it anyways!  :)

So i have some exciting news to share, which is i am going to participate "Condom Fashion Show" that organizing by my school. And also i am going to model for my design too as well as my friend's design:) The show is on February 10th and i will upload the pictures, videos if  i will get some !

Oh and i making this chair made out of wire  hhe:) and it will be finished soon and will upload the pictures that how it turned out!

It's almost February and yeaaas of course Valentine is soon:) When i got some free time soon, i will update some cute gift ideas for your valentine:)
